Hydroponics - Growing plants without soil

Aug 8, 2024
Posted by: Monique Parker




I was recently approached by Jessica Tay, a young woman from Singapore, who works at a university in Germany as a researcher in Ecology and epiphytes (mosses, ferns etc.). She had come across my article on growing your own food and wanted to reach out as a fellow gardener.



Jessica really likes gardening because it relaxes her and she likes to experience the process of growing her own food, planting flowers for the bees and having her little green patch in the city.  Jessica is also the founder of a website called ‘Little Green Yard’, which she started in 2017 whilst doing her PhD. She would like to share how to be creative to maximise a small space to create a green oasis that can nourish you mentally, physically and spiritually. A wonderful idea and a great way to connect with nature.


I would like to share one of her articles with you, ‘Hydroponic: Growing Lettuce with Success’. You can read it here https://littlegreenyard.com/hydroponic/

Hydroponics is a type of horticulture that  involves growing plants without soil, by using water-based mineral nutrient solutions in an artificial environment.

Despite its many benefits, hydroponics can be challenging, especially for beginners. In her article Jessica addresses the common errors and pitfalls you may encounter and how to overcome them.

If you are into growing your own food, check out Jessica’s website as you will find a wealth of information.