
Welcome to my thoughts on nutrition and lifestyle, updates on what's going on in the world of nutrition and anything that I think you might enjoy reading when you're interested in optimising your health.


Growing your own food and connecting with Nature

Jul 12, 2024

Have you ever thought of growing your own food at home?
It is a great way to connect with Nature and you decide what goes into the food you grow!

From the soil, compost, water, what kind of seeds you buy, to what you use to help growth and fight against pests.

Given the fruit and vegetable shortfall in the UK, this is the time to start growing your own.
Read more to find out what the benefits are, the most common mistakes and how to get support and knowledge.

Let's Pull that Sweet Tooth

Jun 6, 2024

On Sunday 23 June I was a speaker at the Allergy & Free-From Show at Olympia, London.

My talk was about sugar: ‘Let’s Pull that Sweet Tooth – Why We Should Go Sugar-Free’

The purpose of the talk was to explore the benefits and pitfalls of a sugar-free lifestyle, especially for people with allergies and/or those following a free-from diet.
There is an increasing prevalence of food allergies and a growing interest in free-from diets due to health concerns.

Here is an overview of the content of the talk.

Connecting with the land, community, and country: Bollywood Farms Singapore

Mar 14, 2024

An organic farm in Singapore? I had to see it to believe it, and it didn't disappoint, far from it.

One of the highlights of my recent visit to Singapore.

A lush, green and peaceful oasis in the most biodiverse capital of the world, where 50% of the city is now green space.

But Bollywood Farms is not just an organic farm, it is much more!


The Amazing Mengelmoestuin

Jan 22, 2024


Last year in September, I visited the magical Mengelmoestuin, along a dyke between Bergambacht and Ammerstol, in the Netherlands.

Mariel, one of the owners and guardians of this amazing organic, biodynamic garden, is one of the collaborators on my book 'Conversations on the Lost Connection with Nature', a book about the importance of being connected with Nature for our health and well-being and for the future of our planet. I wanted to personally hand over a copy of the book.

It was a wonderful experience. Read more about the Magical Mengelmoestuin.

Herbal Tea with Hildegard

Nov 17, 2023


If you had the chance to meet a historical figure, who would it be?
Julius Caesar? Queen Victoria? Henry the Eighth? Or William Shakespeare?

Read here to find out who I would love to meet....

Let's go Nuts!

Nov 12, 2023

Have you ever heard of ‘activated nuts’?

I’m definitely a big fan! Activated nuts taste less bitter and are much easier to digest. Only downside is the price...

But what is so special about activated nuts, and what does activating nuts actually mean?

Have you read my book yet?

Nov 8, 2023



Have you read my book 'Conversations on the Lost Connection with Nature' yet?

The book is full of interesting facts and practical advice, focusing on the special relationship we all have, consciously or unconsciously, with nature, the benefits for our health and well-being, and the necessity to restore this lost connection to save our planet and our future.

It also contains conversations with 27 inspirational people, all of whom are strongly connected with nature, through either profession or personality. The interviews produced twenty-seven fascinating stories about the importance of nature. Be inspired!

Using all your senses to (re)connect with Nature

Oct 11, 2023


In my book ‘Conversations on the Lost Connection with Nature’ I talk about ways to (re)connect with Nature. There is a non-exhaustive list of suggestions in the book, and one of them is ‘using all your senses’.

Be like a tree....

Oct 6, 2023

Super Seaweed

May 23, 2023

Is seaweed a good addition to our diet?

It is!
But not for everyone. Read the pros and cons about seaweed here.

Boost your Brain and Beat Exam Stress

May 17, 2023

Exam season is here and of course you need to be prepared for this important event.

Check out my tips on how to boost your brain and help get through your exams with as little stress as possible.

Stop Food Waste Day 27 April 2022

Apr 26, 2022

Stop Food Waste Day is an international day of action in the fight against food waste which is a serious threat.

According to the Waste and Resources Programme (WRAP) the total amount of household food and drink waste generated in the UK in 2015 was 7.3 million tonnes, of which 4.4 million tonnes was avoidable.

What can we as consumers do to reduce food waste?

A holistic approach to endometriosis

Mar 6, 2022

According to Endometriosis UK 10% of the women of reproductive age in the UK suffer from endometriosis, one of the most common gynaecological conditions and an often crippling condition. Nutritional therapy is one of the complementary therapies that can support this condition. 

How to have a stress-free and happy FESTIVE SEASON

Dec 6, 2021

Although it is a lovely time of the year, many people feel it is also a particular stressful time. Think overcrowded shopping centres, office parties, late nights, planning Christmas dinner, family issues, travel and of course, indulging in a mince pie or alcoholic drink too many.

What can we do to get through the festive season, being able to enjoy the time of the year, feeling festive and not run down and stressed?

Make Menopause Matter - A functional approach to supporting menopausal symptoms

Oct 18, 2021

Why do some women sail through the menopause and others are clearly suffering?
Is there anything women can do to help the transition go as smoothly as possible?


Nutrition Confusion: you are not the only one

Jul 11, 2021

Every day we get inundated with the latest facts on nutrition and healthy living. Research is ongoing, and every month new studies are published that could change the way we eat and improve our health.

How many times have you read something about nutrition on social media that will make you scratch your head? “Gosh, I thought this was healthy”, “Oh dear, I have been eating something that is bad for me”, “Do I really have to give up XXXX?”  It is mine field to say the least.

And you're not the only one thinking that......

Getting the tissues out again?

Apr 26, 2021

Every winter we are looking forward to the first signs of spring, but there is one thing we are not looking forward to: seasonal allergies such as hay fever.

So now it is here, the season of runny noses, itchy eyes, and sneezes.
Why do you actually get these symptoms when there are pollen around? And why doesn’t everyone have the same reaction?

Hair-loss/hair-thinning in menopausal women - Looking further than just hormones…..

Feb 1, 2021


Hair-loss/thinning can be devastating to a person’s self-image and self-confidence.

Hence it is totally understandable that when menopausal/postmenopausal women start to notice hair-loss/thinning, they are often devastated and upset. But is it always the hormones that are causing this problem?

No 'beef' with vegans

Nov 8, 2020

‘Should we all go vegan?’ 'Is a vegan diet better for our health and the planet?


A very complicated and broad question, that could be answered from a nutritional, ethical or environmental point of view. I'm sticking to nutrition here, but if you are interested in the ethical or environmental side of this dilemma, please check organisations like the WWF, Soil Association, VIVA! etc. 

I know there will be readers that won't agree with what I have written, but that's ok, we are all free to decide what we eat and what lifestyle we have.

Horace Who? The importance of chewing

Oct 3, 2020

Who was Horace Fletcher and what has he got to do with chewing and mindful eating?


Oxalate: a piece of the health puzzle

Jul 1, 2020

Spinach, blueberries, beetroot, kiwi, nuts, cocoa, tahini, turmeric, sweet potato..….  Healthy foods that many people consume on a daily basis.
But apart from being ‘healthy foods’ there is another common denominator: they are all very high in oxalates.

Find out what oxalates are and what they could do to your health.


How to naturally support your immune system

Mar 9, 2020

A lot has been written lately about the Corona virus Covid-19 and many people are worried about contracting it.

Of course you should be concerned and take it seriously, but the last thing you should do is panic (stress affects the immune system!). 

So what can we do to help fight the virus? 

Mindful eating: a way to lose weight?

Jan 29, 2020

When you google the word ‘Mindfulness’ you will get about 211,000,000 results.

Is it a buzzword, a trend, or is it more than that? And what has it got to do with losing weight?