When I met Monique I had been suffering from Acne Rosacea for 7 months and had seen no improvement with oral antibiotics and topical medicines. I had resorted to taking the drug Isotretinoin which had serious side effects, as by this stage I felt I had facial skin equivalent to the “Elephant Man” so I was desperate for some improvement!
I had some trepidation about seeing Monique as I wasn’t sure how she would feel about the fact I had started down the conventional drug route. Monique completely put me at ease and assured me that she would work hand in hand with whatever treatment was prescribed by my dermatologist. Monique was quickly able to ascertain that our goal would be to reduce the inflammation of the skin through diet and hopefully the redness on my cheeks would reduce too. The dermatologist had said the redness wouldn’t be reduced by the Isotretinoin and so it would always be there.
Monique prescribed areas of my diet to change; foods to eat more of and foods to avoid. She also recommended supplements and probiotics to counter balance the drugs and protect my liver, lifestyle changes and apps to download that would help create a “calm” head space.
Before I met Monique I had concerns that any dietary changes would be impractical but it was all quite straightforward and I was able to incorporate the anti-inflammatory foods and more oily fish into my diet really easily. I still had the odd cappuccino and sweet treat as no-one is perfect all of the time (!) but my morning brew is now green tea and my sweet treat is a non-dairy coconut yoghurt.
Monique’s level of detail during the consultation period is really reassuring. No stone is left unturned whilst she ascertains the contributing factors to the condition. Monique worked with my GP to examine blood test results and looked at all avenues before putting together her recommendations to me.
The results proved to be outstanding! I took photos of my skin both before and after the 3 month consultation period and the difference in the inflammation and redness was incredible. Certainly the Isotretinoin played a large role in combatting the acne but I have no doubt that the reduction in redness and inflammation was down to the combination of diet and the specific supplements that were recommended by Monique.
Six months after my consultation with Monique I am still incorporating many of her diet changes into my everyday diet and my skin has improved so much all my friends comment on it.
Kim, Guildford, Surrey